- 溢多酶P-8901 Yiduozyme P-8901
- 溢多酶P-8306 Yiduo enzyme P8306
- 杂粕溢多酶 Yiduo muhienzyme
- 杂粕型日粮中添加杂粕溢多酶对肥育猪生长、饲料转化率的影响 Effects of Yiduo Multienzyme Added in Miscellaneous Meal Diet on Growth of Pigs and Feed Conversion
- 在杂粕型日粮中添加杂粕溢多酶,能提高肥育猪的生长速度和饲料转化率。 The growth and the feed conversion were improved by adding multienzyme in the miscellaneous meal diet for fattening pigs.
- 杂粕溢多酶在肥育猪生产中的应用 The applications of Yiduo enzym of unconventional cakes in finishing pig production
- 越来越多 more and more
- 其中藁8901的容重由A0的813.5 g/L提高到823.3-826.0 g/L,差异显著; For the strong gluten cultivar Gao 8901,the test weight increased from 813.5 g/L of A0 to 823.3~826.0 g/L among A11.25~A33.75,and the differences between A0 and other treatments were significant.
- 越来越多的 increasing
- 酶的 enzymatic
- 酶解 zymohydrolysis
- 越多越好 the more, the better
- 满溢 brim over with
- 抱歉,给你带来那麽多的麻烦。 I'm sorry I have given you so much trouble.
- 酶活性 enzyme activity
- 这么多 this much
- 咖啡从杯子里溢了出来。 Coffee spilled from the cup.
- 酶学 enzymology
- 多层次 multi-level
- 磷酸酶 phosphatase