- Vitali不可测集 Vitali's nonmeasurable
- 不可 cannot
- 针对CVCF交流电源系统这样一个输出可测,而负荷扰动不可测的系统推理控制器数学模型的建立及其自适应问题进行了分析、讨论和研究; This paper discussed the modeling and the problem of adaption of CVCF power supply system which had measurable outputs and unmeasurable load disturbance.
- 渺 vague
- 不可避免 ineluctability
- 测井 well logging
- 不可缺少的 indispensable
- 侦测 sense
- 渺渺 remote
- 不可缺少 indispensable
- 测序 order-checking
- 不可替代的 irreplaceable
- 测温 temperature measurement
- 不可否认 undeniable
- 测点 station
- 不可信 unlikelihood
- 量测 measuration
- 不可忽视 very important
- 自测 self testing
- 不可忽视的原因 assignable cause