- 温度电阻系数TCR temperature coefficient of resistant (TCR)
- 温度电阻系数 temp erature resistance coefficient
- 临界温度电阻 critical temperature resistor
- 并联电阻系数 parallel resistance coefficient
- 系数 coefficient
- 参见图2中典型的温度电阻曲线图。 A typical resistance temperature characteristic curve of an element is shown in Figure 2.
- 体电阻系数 volume resistivity
- 基于比值采样原理实现半导体温度电阻的测量 Measurement of semiconductor resistor based on ratio sampling system
- 相关系数 related coefficient
- 环境温度 ambient temperature
- 华氏温度 degree Fahrenheit
- 导热系数 coefficient of heat conductivity
- 工作温度 working temperature
- 膨胀系数 swell factor
- RuO_2厚膜电阻体的阻值与TCR的关系 The Relation Between Resistance of RuO_2 Resistors and TCR
- 摄氏温度 centigrade temperature
- 变异系数 coefficient of variation
- 恩格尔系数 Engelian coefficient
- 最高温度 maximum temperature
- 热膨胀系数 coefficient of heat expansion