- 她把她的意思解释得清清楚楚。
She made her meaning crystal clear.
- 我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。
I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.
- 我想我已说清楚了?
I suppose I've made myself clear?
- 我都说清楚了吗?
Did I make everything clear?
- 你觉得这清楚了吗?
Is that clear to you?
- 叙述清楚比语言优美更重要。
Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language.
- 辩论之前,双方都把自己的观点说清楚。
Before the debate, both sides made their positions clear.
- 我说清楚了吗?
Am I making myself clear?