- 淮南潘三矿区13-1#煤层空间分布特征及稳定性研究 Study of the space distribution trait and stability of No.13-1 coal seam in the Pansan Coal Mine, Huainan
- 上隅角瓦斯自动抽放系统在潘三矿的应用 Application of Automatic Drainage System for Upper Conner Gas in Pansan Coal Mine
- 三年 three years
- 潘 (surname)
- 三角 (n) a triangle
- 三级 third class
- 三国 Three Kingdoms
- 应用训练好的神经网络,对淮南矿区的几个突出矿井进行了工程验证。 Based on it, the dangerous degree measure (dangerous believe degree) was put forward, applied the trained neural network to a few outburst mines engineering verification of Huainan diggings.
- 三个月 trimester
- 崖13-1气田 Yal3-1 gas field
- 周三 Wednesday
- 三次 third
- 1-4-7-10-13是一个等差级数的开始部分。 1-4-7-10-13- is the start of an arithmetic progression.
- 三个 three
- 淮南矿区 Huainan mining area
- 三号 thirds
- 图1.13略示其范围。 Some indication of the range is given in Fig. 1. 13.
- 三部曲 trilogy
- 三聚氰胺 melamine
- 三倍 triple