- 流感病毒有甚么特徵? What are the characteristics of influenza viruses?
- 流感病毒有许多种毒株,而且不是所有的毒株都能感染人类。 Flu viruses come in many strains, and not all of them can infect humans.
- 哈勃最大的发现,可能是它连续十天拍摄一个没有甚么特徵的天区,以收集最微弱的光线。 The greatest discovery of Hubble was probably the observation of a featureless region for ten consecutive days to collect the dimmest light. Unexpectedly, the remotest and earliest galaxies showed up.
- 他们所感染的病毒与从香港市场家禽身上取得的化验样本分离出的H9N2流感病毒有密切的关系。 These viruses were closely related to H9N2 influenza viruses isolated from poultry in Hong Kong markets.
- 病毒 virus
- 完整的滤过性病毒的粒子,核酸和衣壳(有的病毒有一个液体包膜)。 a complete viral particle; nucleic acid and capsid (and a lipid envelope in some viruses).
- 无性的;无雌雄特徵的;中性的 Neither male nor female; having neither masculine nor feminine characteristics; neuter
- 政府即将换届和政府总部政策局的重组,对进行中的磋商有甚么影响? Of the impact of the impending change of government and the reorganization of policy bureaux of the Government Secretariat on the ongoing discussions?
- 显然关于猪流感病毒和其他病毒的流行间歇期生存问题的意见尚不一致。 It is evident that there is not unanimity concerning the interepidemic survival of swine influenza and other influenza viruses.
- 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵. The rising level of crime is a sign of the times.
- 已经证实病毒有两种对称型,即立体对称和螺旋对称。 Two types of viral symmetry have been recognized, the cubical symmetry and helical symmetry.
- 没有稳定的汇率,大家只要看一看附近亚洲国家的情况,便知道有甚么后果。 Without it,you only need to look around us at other countries in Asia.
- 这些特徵绝不是日本所独有的。 These features are by no means unique to Japan.
- 目的:观察连花清瘟胶囊对流感病毒FM1、副流感病毒仙台株感染小鼠肺指数的影响。 Objective: To observe effect of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule on pulmonary index of mouse infected by influenza virus FM1 and parainfluenza Sendai virus.
- 这说明铜离子对维生素C灭活甲型肝炎病毒有增效作用。 It indicated that Cu??2+? was a synergist for inactivation of HAV by vitamin C.
- 稍微改变纵向生物性气胶冲击器设计可有效改善其收集特徵。 A small change in the design of a slit bioaerosol impactor significantly improves its collection characteristics.
- 这种流感病毒的致命性在于它能传染给哺乳动物和鸟类。 The lethality of this influenza strain stems from its ability to infect mammals and birds.
- 地理特徵 geographical feature
- 病毒在尼日利亚国内迅速扩散,人们因此担心病毒有可能扩散到邻近国家。 Rapid spread of the virus within Nigeria has raised concern over possible spread to neighbouring countries.
- 政府已加强对人和动物流感病毒的监察。 Surveillance for influenza viruses has been stepped up in both humans and animals.