- 洪七:如果我死了,你不用带人来看我,我不想做一条懂说话的死尸。 If I'm killed, please don't do this to me. I don't want to be a speaking corpse.
- 洪七?他走了,我想他不会回来了,你到别的地方找他吧。 Re looking for Hong Qi. He's been gone a long time. He won't come back. Look elsewhere.
- 七 seven
- 洪 flood
- 洪七:去一个我没去过的地方,希望闯出个名堂。如果你以后在江湖上听说一个九指的英雄,那一定是我。 Places I've never been to. I want to be famous. If, in the future, you hear about some nine-fingered hero that'll be me.
- 通常拿了钱看也不看的人,他们的钱很快就会花光,但洪七数得很仔细,我知道这种人我知道不会留在我身边太久。 Those who don't bother counting their money are the big spenders. Not Hong Qi. He counted every cent. I knew he wouldn't stay here long.
- 七天 seven days
- 七夕 Double Seventh Day
- 七个 heptad
- 七年 a prophetic week
- 七夕节 Chinese Valentine's Day
- 别以为骗一个女人是件很容易的事,越是单纯的女人就越直接,她知道她丈夫根本没有离开,因为洪七是不会扔下骆驼不管。 It ain't easy to cheat women, simple-minded women are the most determined. She knew her husband had never left this place. It's simple: Hong Qi would never abandon his camel.
- 排洪 drain off floodwaters
- 七宗罪 seven crimes
- 北斗七星 Triones
- 埃尔卡洪 El Cajon
- 鼻洪 profuse nasal bleeding
- 七喜 7-up
- 出洪奔腾而来。 Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains.
- 七星 seven stars