- 洛根:她说什么?有没有清楚的答案? Logan : What did she say? Did she give a clear answer?
- 不论她说什么,都别相信。 Don't trust her, no matter what she says.
- “依我看,”洛根说,“美中不足的是,你挣不到足够的钱,在这段假期里你什么也干不了”。 "I suppose," Logan said, "Only trouble is that you don't make enough to do anything in all the spare time."
- 她说什么这孩子都要回嘴。 The child would answer back to all she said.
- 洛根:没有,昨晚我说想我老婆,今晚我只想那该死的床。 Ned Logan: No last night I said I missed my wife, tonight I just miss my goddamn bed.
- 我该对她说什么呢? What should I talk to her?
- “除了这八十三元五角,我还要一些钱”,洛根说,俯身向前,语气从容不迫。 "I'll want something in addition to the eighty-three fifty," said Logan, leaning forward and speaking in an even voice.
- 她说话不算数。 She welshed on her promises.
- 不管她说什么,我一声不吭,没有被激怒。 Despite what she said I buttoned my lip and refused to be provoked.
- 洛根说,她与一些邻居的想法不同,她从没想过要从院子里抓一只火鸡,把它变成盘中餐。 Unlike some neighbors, Logan said, she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner.
- 他们想要安慰她,但能说什么呢? They tried to comfort her, but what could they say?
- “依我看,”洛根说,“美中不足的是,你挣不到足够的钱,在这段假期里你什么也干不了”。 "I suppose," Logan said,"Only trouble is that you don't make enough to do anything in all the spare time."
- "老太太结结巴巴地说个不停,可谁也不明白她说些什么。" "The old lady kept bumbling on about something, but nobody could understand her."
- 她想说什么? What is she trying to suggest?
- 他隔桌探身想听清她说了些什么。 He leaned over the table to hear what she said.
- 洛根说,火鸡们排成整齐的一队,从她家和邻居家之间走过,离开了小镇;之后,洛根又回去为全家准备火鸡大餐,不过火鸡是从商店里买的。 Logan said the birds walked away in a straight line between her house and her neighbor's, and she went back inside to prepare a store-bought turkey dinner for her family.
- 她忘了她在说什么了。 She lost the thread of what she was saying.
- 她犹豫不决,不知道该做什么或者说什么。 She held back, not knowing what to do or say.
- 关于那件事她说些什么? What did she say to that?
- 她眨着眼挤泪珠,没说什么。 She blinked away her tears saying nothing.