- 洗劫, 掠夺一空 put to (the) sack
- 掠夺一空 sack; plunder; pillage
- 空 empty
- 那一刻却被掠夺一空, Sed plerumque sequitur but, when it comes to seizing an opportunity
- 入侵的军队将该市掠夺一空. The town was pillaged by the invading army.
- 他的意图很高尚:通过结婚来掠夺一位妇人的财富。 His designs were very honoraBle: to roB a lady of her fortune By way of marriage.
- 清空 empty
- 洗劫 ransack
- 空回 backlash
- 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。 My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
- 空的 vacant
- 盘空 circle or whirl in the air
- 空出 vacate
- 空载 idle load
- 占空比 dutyfactor
- 空档 neutral position
- 卖空 oversell
- 入侵的军队将该市掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
- 空物 empty