- 注意了!你在想什么? Pay attention! What are you thinking about?
- 当你回答的时候你在想什么:想起了我周围有多么宝贵的人和事。 What did you think while answering?: I could think that how precious people and things around me are.
- “你没有注意听,”老鼠严厉地对爱丽丝说,“你在想什么呢?”“请原谅!” 'You are not attending!'said the Mouse to Alice severely.'What are you thinking of?'
- 昨晚我带我的秘书去看戏了,我知道你在想什么,但我们仅仅是好朋友而已。 I took my secretary to the theatre last night. I know what you're thinking, but we're just good friends.
- 他说:“如果你的孩子宁愿跟电视而不是朋友们待在一起,那就值得注意了。” "If your child would rather be with the TV than friends,that's a warning sign," Greenspan says.
- 你在想什么? What are you thinking about?
- 杰克让人捉摸不透,他从来不多说话,你不知道他在想什么。 Jack is a dark horse; he never says much and you don't know what he's thinking.
- 青岛女人你在想什么? Qingdao woman what's on your mind?
- “你在战争中干什么?”她尽力用她荒疏了的俄语凑成一个句子。 "What are you doing in the war?" she asked, straining her rusty Russian to compose the sentence.
- 他们到底在想什么 What the deuce were they thinking of?
- 只有上帝晓得他在想什么。 Only Christ knows what he had in his mind.
- “玛丽,你在想嫁给吉姆吗?”“啊,不!”玛丽回答道。 "Marry, are you thinking of marrying Jim?" "Good havens, no," replied Marry.
- 看出我在想什么 reading my mind
- 你在矛盾什么啊?不会是不想和我合作了吧? What are you in contradictory? Has not been able not to want to cooperate with me?
- 知道我在想什么 reading my mind
- 我真不懂你。你爸爸要给你一部保时捷,你还拒绝他。你在想什麽啊? I don't get you. Your dad wanted to give you a Porsche and you turned him down. What were you thinking?
- 没人知道他在想什么。 No one can speculate on what he's thinking about.
- 我知道他在想什么。 I was aware of what he was thinking about.
- 你在想从那里开始学习吗?如果是我,那么一定从这里开始!点击下载源代码。 Did you start here? I know I would have! Here is the accompanying source code.
- 我从她的微笑知道她猜着了我在想什么。 I know by her smile that she has guessed what I am thinking.