- 没问题,你要多少? No problem. How much?
- 没问题,你要多少? No problem. How much?
- 没问题 No problem.
- 没 not
- 你要多少就可拿多少。 You may take as many as you want.
- 想向我展示一下你要怎么完成么,没问题 Wanna show me how you work it baby, no problem
- 你要多少工钱? What your wages ought to be?
- 没问题的 trouble-free
- 你要多少水? How much water do you need?
- 称你肯定没问题。 Measuring your weight is no problem.
- 你要多少肉? How much meat do you want?
- 没问题,只要你肯买单! B: No problem, only if you foot the bill!
- 你要多少奶酪? You want how much cheese?
- 没问题,你想干嘛都行。 No problem, you can do whatever you want to do.
- 你要多少块面包? How many buns do you want?
- 你认为新大楼今年夏天能完工吗? 没问题,住户可以在8月5日迁入。 Do you think the new building will be completed by this summer? All systerms are go.Tenants will be able to move in on August fifth.
- 你要多少喜饼? How many fortune cookies do you want?
- 这个领子你可以重装一下,这没问题吧。 Surely you can reset the collar.
- 你要多少烟丝? How much tobacco do you need?
- 朱伊!你多保重!没问题吧? Chewie, take care of yourself, okay?