- 没事。想不想喝点东西?咖啡?白兰地? No, would you like something to drink? Maybe some coffee? Maybe some Brandy?
- 侍者: 顺便问一下,想不想先喝点什么? By the way, would you like to have a drink first?
- 想 to think
- 你不想喝点咖啡吗? Wouldn't you like some coffee?
- 不想 indisposition
- 我非常赞成喝点酒,今天下午我们都没事,我们就喝个痛快吧。 I'm all for it myself. We're free this afternoon. Let's really splurge.
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。 "No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.
- 我学会了一种喝水的办法,不管我想不想喝水这种办法都能使我暂时感到不饿。 I learned a method of drinking water that made me feel full temporarily whether I had a desire for water or not.
- 我觉得像现在这种时候,我们得乐观点。啊,亲爱的,我想他现在一定没事了。 Jason, Jason, Jason. I find that at times like these, it's good to keep a little perspective on things. Ah, honey, I'm sure he's over it by now.
- 我想是没事,不过他在校长室。 PEGGY: I think so. But he's in the principal's office.
- 你想不想喝我不清楚,我可是要再喝一杯。 I don't know about you,but I am going to have another drink.
- 没事,我想我不过是轻微的中暑罢了。 It's all right. I've had a touch of the sun,I think.
- 这儿有啤酒吗?我想喝点。 Do they serve beer? I could do with a drink.
- 一位护士问我想不想听听婴儿的心跳。 A nurse asked if I wanted to hear the heartbeat.
- 我想只要飞机离开这个乱流就没事了。 I think I'll be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this turbulence.
- 您想不想叫点酒配餐? Would you like to order some wine with your meal?
- 你想喝点冷饮吗? Will you require some cold drink?
- 他的公司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。 He took it very much to heart when his company pensioned him off.
- “他没事吧?”“没事,我想他只是呼吸有点急促。” “Is he OK?”“Yeah, I think he is just winded.”
- 你不想喝度数高一点的酒吗? Wouldn't you ask for something a little stronger?