- 沉溺 welter
- 沉溺于 addict oneself to
- 他声明与堕落的儿子脱离关系。 He disowned his reprobate son.
- (感官的)享乐感官的满足或沉溺 Sensual gratification or indulgence.
- 她怎么会堕落到偷窃的? How come she has descended to stealing?
- 他堕落成酗酒者。 He has degenerated into an alcoholic.
- 哈里如此沉溺于喝酒,结果他会为一瓶威士忌而出卖灵魂的。 Harry is so addicted to alcohol that he'd sell his soul for a bottle of whisky.
- 该城市似乎是堕落的温床。 That city seems to be the hothouse of decadence.
- 他沉溺于沉思冥想。 He was buried in meditation.
- 她被引诱而堕落。 She was tempted and fell.
- 沉溺于享乐 to be surfeited with pleasure-seeking
- 她引诱了他,他堕落了。 She tempted him and he fell.
- 他似乎沉溺于豪华的享乐中。 He seemed to be wallowing in luxury.
- 他不因财富和奢华而自甘堕落。 He didn't let riches and luxury make him degenerate.
- 毁灭;堕落 To go to ruin; degenerate.
- 沉溺于放荡的生活 to hit the dissolute life
- 他沉溺于饮酒。 He was besotted with drink.
- 后来,她不再过堕落的生活了。 Later on she stopped leading a vicious life.
- 过分沉溺于玩耍 to overindulge one's fondness in playing
- 看色情书刊能诱人堕落吗? Do pornographic books pervert those who read them?