- 水渍险呢? What about W.P.A.?
- 请你按发票金额的130%向中国人民保险公司投保水渍险和战争险,怎么样? How about your covering the insurance against w.p.a. and war risk for 130%25 of the invoice value with the... china?
- 无论水渍险还是平安险都不注明包括哪些险别或不包括哪些险别。 Neither the wpa nor the fpa mention the risk covered or the risk exclude.
- 那么一切险呢? And All Risks?
- 我想“水渍险”应包括全部主要风险,而根据你所说的,这种水渍险所承保的责任却是很少。 I thought that W. P. A. insurance should cover all principal risks while,according to what you say,it means very little.
- 贵公司能为我的这批货保哪些险呢? What kind of insurance are you able to provide for my consignment?
- 另外一件事我现在还不明白,保“水渍险”有什么好处。 Another thing I don't understand at this moment is the advantage of W. P. a. overage.
- 如果没有你的明确指示,我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。 In the absence of your definite instructions, we will cover insurance W.P.A and War Risk according to usual practice.
- 该公司承保所有基本险别,像平安险、水渍险、一切险及所有其他附加险。 The Company can cover the all basic risks such as F.P.A. ; W.P.A. ; All Risks and other additional risks.
- 水渍险 w.
- 水渍险是否包括甲板上装货的规定? Do a wpa policy include a deck loading stipulation?
- “水渍险”和“平安险”有什么区别呢? What's the difference between W. P. A. and F. P. A.
- n. 水渍险 W.A.
- 水渍险条款 water damage clause
- 代表水渍险。 Stands for With Particular Average.WPA.
- 投保水渍险 take W. P. A . insurance
- “水渍险”与“平安险”是有些不同。 There is some difference between W. P. A. and F. P. A.
- 险别: 水渍险加破碎险 W. P. A. plus the Risk of Breakage
- WPA代表水渍险。 W.P.A. stands for"With Particular Average".
- 另一方面,水渍险保险单保你在各种情况下遭受的部分损失险。 On the other hand,a W.P.A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.