- 毛衣柜台在哪? I'm looking for the cashmere sweater counter.
- 你能告诉我为转机乘客服务的国内航机登记柜台在哪吗? Can you please show me where are Domestic Check-in counters for transferring passengers?
- 英国商业柜台在美国人和日本人过于豪华的陈列中现穷相。 The British trade stand cut a poor figure among the lavish displays of the Americans and the Japanese.
- 毛衣 sweater
- 无论在哪一个历史时期,感到生活是一种煎熬的总是失业者。 At any period of history it is the unemployed who find life to be a bed of thorns.
- 入境柜台在哪里? Where is the immigration counter?
- 卖领带的柜台在这走道的最末端。 The necktie counter is at the end of this corridor.
- 哪几个 which
- 柜台在哪里? Where is the front desk?
- 在哪一方面 what
- 日本航空公司的柜台在哪儿? Where is the Japan Airlines counter?
- 李:你有孩子吗?作为他们的父亲,你会让他们选择待在哪国?。 Li:Do you have kids?As their father,do you think that you'll let them choose where they are going to stay?
- 付款柜台在哪里? Where is the cash desk?
- 女总管在哪? Where is the matron?
- 英国航空公司的报到柜台在哪里? Where is the check-in counter for British Airways?
- 你的孩子在哪所学校念书? Which school does your child go to?
- 卖鞋的柜台在哪里? Where is the shoe department?
- 食品搅拌机在哪? Where is the food mixer?
- 肉柜台在这里的右边。 The meat counter is right here.
- 公共汽车站在哪? Where is the bus depot?