- 比恩,罗伊1825-1903美国得克萨斯州拓荒者,1881年任命自己为治安法官,以一本法律书和一支六发式左轮手枪作为自己宣判的依据。 American frontiersman in Texas who in 1881 appointed himself justice of the peace and handed down judgments based on one law book and one six-shooter.
- 比恩,罗伊1825?-1903美国得克萨斯州拓荒者,1881年任命自己为治安法官,以一本法律书和一支六发式左轮手枪作为自己宣判的依据 American frontiersman in Texas who in1881appointed himself justice of the peace and handed down judgments based on one law book and one six - shooter.
- 罗伊·比恩法官的生平 The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
- 罗伊 Roy
- 圣西门,C.H.de(1760-1825) Claude Henri de Saint-Simon (1760~1825)
- 比恩那牌手表 Bienna
- 埃格安1825-61本扬病毒 Eg An 1825-61 bunyavirus
- 埃格安1825-61吴孔病毒 Eg An 1825-61 unkuvirus
- 她没有回答,只是扫了比恩一眼。 She had nothing to say to that. Instead, she glanced at Bean.
- 亚历山大一世(1777-1825俄国皇帝, 在位期间1801-25) Alexander I
- “我再没吃的就要饿死了。”比恩说。 "I need something now," said Bean.
- 罗伊靠演戏而发迹。 Roy managed to carve out a career for himself as an actor.
- 骗子,比恩想。难道你看不出他在骗你吗? Liar, thought Bean. Don't you see that he's lying to you?
- 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什么。 Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying.
- 据比恩自己承认,他不懂技术,感到理解我的论点有困难。 Beith was, by his own admission, not a technical man, and found it difficult to follow my arguments.
- 像坎伯兰大路(1818)和伊利运河(1825)那样政府修建了交通要道把农产品运往市 Government-created national roads, such as the Cumberland Pike (1818) and the Erie Canal (1825), helped move farm produce to market.
- 罗伊细呢 loi
- 朗方,皮尔 查尔斯1754-1825法裔建筑师,他曾为华盛顿特区设计基本的城市规划方案 French-born architect who designed the basic city plan for Washington, D.C.
- “父老兄弟们,”比恩说,“我们跟着季奚,他并没有看见我们。” "Brothers," Bim said,"we followed Keesh and he did not see us."
- 屈罗伊卡 troika