- 每天你都做什么? She is a typical Brooks. What do you do everyday?
- 婷婷,在周末你都做什么? What do you do at the weekend, Ting Ting?
- 每天你都在进步。 You become more and more better every day.
- 都 all
- 工作之余你都做什么消遣? What do you do outside of work to relax?
- (我认识你之后的每天你都这么说。) Reid: Every day since I met you.
- 每天你几点钟起床? What time do you get up every day?
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 那是因为跟新闻一样,每天你都被轧过。 Cuz like the news everyday you get pressed.
- 你在做什么啊? what are you doing?
- 为了实现梦想,你都做了哪些努力? What have you done to accomplish your dreams?
- 每天你都有机会胜人一筹,干得出色,出类拔萃。 This is particularly true at your current workplace. Every day you have the chance to excel,to stand out,and to be exceptional.
- 你喜欢做什么就做什么 Do whatever you please.
- 想想你都做了些什幺 Come and think on the way you done
- 他不论着手做什么都做得很好。 He does a good job at everything that he turns his hand to.
- 浏览你的今日艺术上的链接。每天你都会看到一些经典名画和一些文字说明。 Subscribe to the feed at Your Daily Art( RSS).
- 你周末都做什么? What do you do at the weekend ?
- 生活是一所全日制学校,而你则是这里的学生。在这所学校里,每天你都有机会学习到各种课程 You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life. "Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons.
- 你周末都做什么消遣? What's your pastime on your weekend?
- 把你自己当成那个木匠。想想你的房子。每天你都会钉个钉子,放块木板或砌一面墙。明智地营造你的房子。 Think of yourself as the carpenter.Think about your house.Each day you hammer a nail, place a board or erect a wall.Build wisely.