- 维 dimension
- 难 problem
- 为难 make things difficult for
- 难的 hardy
- 很难 very difficult
- 万维网 World Wide Web (WWW)
- 维数 dimension
- 两难 be in a dilemma
- 多维 many dimensions
- 他步履蹒跚。 He walked with a lurch.
- 难过的 sorry
- 一维 one dimension
- 难看的 malformed
- 不难 It's no big deal.
- 二维码 two-dimension code
- 万事开头难 It is the first step that costs troublesome
- 二维数组 two-dimensional array
- 难耐 intolerability
- 英属维尔京群岛 British Virgin Islands
- 大难 catastrophe