- 次正定Hermite矩阵 meta- Hermit matrix
- 正定Hermite矩阵 positive definite Hermite matrix
- 次正定次Hermite矩阵 meta - hermite matrix
- 关于斜Hermite矩阵乘积之迹的不等式 On the Inequalities for Trace of Product of Skew-Hermitian Matrices
- 利用有限域上Hermite矩阵的标准型构造卡氏认证码 Using normal form of Hermite matrices over finite fields to construct cartesian authentication codes
- Hermite矩阵 Hermite matrix
- 拟次Hermite矩阵 quasi - sub - Hermite matrix
- 反次Hermite矩阵 sub-Skew-Hermite matrix
- 半正定核 positive semidefinite kernel
- 半正定二次型 positive semidefinite quadratic form
- G~2三次Hermite样条曲线形状的交互修改 Interactive Shape Modification of the G~2 Cubic Hermite Spline Curves
- 广义斜Hermite矩阵 generalized oblique Hermite matrix
- 基于Hermite多项式的超宽带脉冲波形研究 The Research of UWB Pulse Shapes Based on Hermite Polynomials
- 凸轮机构从动件的Hermite修正等速运动规律 The HERMITE Revised Iso-Velocity Motion Law of Followers in Cam Mechanism
- 转换[过渡]矩阵 transition matrix
- S矩阵 S matrix
- S矩阵理论 S matrix theory
- 半矩阵 semi matrix
- 半单矩阵 semisimple matrix
- 伴随式矩阵 syndrome matrix