- 桥接还是路由? Bridging or routing?
- 源极路由选择透明桥接器 SRTB Source Routing Transparent Bridge
- 无论是链接还是嵌入关系图,只有选定的最上层节点将显示在客户端应用程序窗口中。 Whether you link or embed the diagram, only the top selected node will be displayed in the client application window.
- 设计人员可以建造一种在可适用处桥接包和在有必要时规定包路由的网络。 Designers can build networks that bridge packets where applicable and route packets where necessary.
- 美国人素以友善、好客、坦率著称,无论对客人还是路人都一样,但对于倒在人行道上奄奄一息的人却又袖手围观。 Americans are remarkably kind and hospitable and open with both guests and strangers; and yet they will make a wide circle around the man dying on the pavement.
- 桥接 bridging
- 这条路由湖边向西延伸。 The road ranges westward from the lake.
- 桥接器 bridge (networking)
- 在IBM的令牌环型网络中,一帧信息在向目的地传送路径上所通过的桥接器个数。 In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the number of bridges through which a frame passes on the way to its destination.
- 新桥推出新一代路由交换平台 Newbridge Released New Router Switch Platform
- "与" 型桥接 AND bridge
- 路由展接 route advance
- 桥接阻抗 bridged impedance
- 桥接的 bridging
- 路由展接测试 route advance test
- 桥接法 bridge grafting
- 路由展接信号音 route advance tone
- 桥接焊 bridge welding
- 桥接件 bridgeware
- 不使用链接状态路由。 Link state routing is not used.