- 看太多的电视对你的身体有益还是有害? Is watching too much TV good or bad for your health?
- 肝硬化门静脉高压症切脾对肝硬化有益还是有害? Is splenectomy helpful or harmful for cirrhotic portal hypertension?
- 美国人似无止境地研究着各种食物,以确认该食物对人体有益还是有害,这更助长了人们对食物的恐 慌。 The American dietary obsession is fed by a seeming-ly endless series of scientific studies that demonstrate the wholesomeness or toxicity of various foodstuffs.
- 总之,遗传学的道德难题是:基于信息的正当与否,它对于普遍道德的个体社会意识有益还是有害? In conclusion,the moral dilemma of genetics is that will it be an asset to the individual's public perception of common morality or will it be an evil to the individual's public perception of common morality based on the right and wrong of the information.
- 不锻炼光节食是有害于健康的,因为它将在导致脂肪损失的同时,也导致肌肉组织的损失。 A diet with no exercise is bad for the health, because it will result in a loss of both fat and muscle tissue.
- `你有没有现金?还是我们用信用卡呢?'`用信用卡吧。' `Have you got any cash or shall we use plastic?' `Put it on the plastic.'
- 尽管她遭到恶毒的批评,我还是维护她。 I stood up for her despite the virulent criticism.
- 这些只是说明了每个美国人都已经知道的事实:吃对健康可能是有害的。 They're just explaining what every American already knows: eating may be hazardous to your health.
- 但我还是关心到我们国民的自发性。 But I am still very concerned about the human motivation part of the whole equation.
- 广域小型草本和一些灌木植物科;大多数是有害的杂草。 cosmopolitan family of small herbs and a few shrubs; most are troublesome weeds.
- 美国人似无止境地研究着各种食物,以确认该食物对人体有益还是有害,这更助长了人们对食物的恐慌。 The American dietary obsession is fed by a seeming-ly endless series of scientific studies that demonstrate the wholesomeness or toxicity of various foodstuffs.
- 从法律的观点来看,他现在还是无罪的。 In the eyes of the law, he was not yet guilty.
- 这里的生活越来越困难了--趁现在好走,咱们还是走吧。 Life here is getting more difficult all the time let's go while the going's good.
- 在他还是个无名小卒时,他比现在要友好和讨人喜欢得多。 Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person.
- 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。 They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.
- 我们国内还是全民所有制,或者集体所有制。 The state-owned sector and collectively owned sector are still the mainstay of our economy.
- 城市化:民族文化的一元化,还是多元化? Urbanization: Cultural Unification or Cultural Multiplication?
- 他还是十分激动地坚决指出这种类比是荒谬的。 He insisted in an extremely agitated fashion on the absurdity of the parallel.
- 她犹豫不决,不知是继续做单身女郎好,还是接受他的求婚好。 She wavered between staying single and accepting his proposal.