- 格子Boltzmann方程 lattice Boltzmann equation
- 利用 Chapm an- Enskog方法从 BGK型的格子Boltzmann方程推导出了 Navier- Stokes方程和能量方程。 The Navier Stokes equations and the energy equation were derived from the BGK type lattice Boltzmann equation by the Chapman Enskog method.
- Boltzmann方程 Boltzmann equation
- 格子Boltzmann lattice Boltzmann
- 格子Boltzmann法 lattice Bohzmann method
- 耗散Boltzmann方程 dissipative Boltzmann equation
- 相对论Boltzmann方程 Relativistic Boltzmann equation
- 热格子Boltzmann thermal lattice-boltzmann method
- Possion-Boltzmann方程 Possion-Boltzmann equation
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式) Maxwell field equations
- 格子绸 silk tartan
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数 The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 长在格子棚架上的蔷薇花 roses growing on a trellis
- Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann方程的空间均匀解 Spatially Homogeneous Solutions of the Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann Equation
- 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。 This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.
- WZ方程 WZ equation
- 方程解 solution of equation
- 在窗户上装上格子 lattice a window
- KdV方程 KdV equation