- 查利给谁写信? Who did Charlie write to?
- 你在给谁写信? Who are you writing to?
- 依那普利给药组大鼠肾重、肾重/体重、AER与肾小球面积、肾小球容积及系膜区面积明显低于模型组(P<0.05,P<0.01); Increased kidney weight, ratio of kidney weight to body weight, AER and expansion of mesangial as well as tuft areas on histological examination of the kidney were significantly attenuated by the treatment of enalapril (P<0.05, P<0.01).
- 查利什么时候写信? What time does Charlie write the letter?
- "当然可以," 医生的声音说道,"哦,他没有发烧,脉搏很好。查利,现在你深呼吸一下。" "Sure, " the doctor's voice says. "Well, he doesn't have a fever. And his pulse is fine. Now, breathe deeply, Charlie."
- 带给 bear
- 查字典 consult a dictionary
- 打电话给 phoning
- 在1819年由西奥多 •马爹利给其兄弟弗雷德里克 •马爹利的信中首次提及。由极品干邑精心调制而成,完美诠释了高贵、优雅的含义。 Martell Extra was first mentioned in a letter or 1819 from Theodore Martell to his brother Frederic. It is a particularly elegant blend of extremely rare Cognacs.
- 达利 Dali
- 你明天想把玩具给谁? Who do you want to give a doll to tomorrow?
- 嫁给 marry
- 查利昨晚真喝醉了。 Charlie sure tied on last night.
- 让给 give up to
- 还给 return
- 显而易见,查利在小组中不受欢迎,他们老是不同他讲话。 It was obvious that Charlie wasn't welcome in the group when they kept cutting him out of the conversation.
- 传给 pass to
- 那次考试给了他很大的压力。 The examination put a lot of stress on him.
- 他有没有给谁留个信? Did he leave any message for anybody?
- 查利看着他,完好无损的眼镜带在面目全非的脸上,极其地不协调。 Charley watched him, the incongruously undamaged glasses and undamaged face.