- 泛美(航空公司)的柜台在哪里? Where is the counter of pan-American?
- 往上海的泛美班机检查柜台在哪里? Where is the check in counter for Pan Am flight to Shanghai?
- 入境柜台在哪里? Where is the immigration counter?
- 在哪里 where
- 柜台在哪里? Where is the front desk?
- 英国商业柜台在美国人和日本人过于豪华的陈列中现穷相。 The British trade stand cut a poor figure among the lavish displays of the Americans and the Japanese.
- 付款柜台在哪里? Where is the cash desk?
- 我可以问一下你这段时间一直在哪里吗? It is in order for me to ask you where you've been all this time?
- 你现在在哪里? Where are you now?
- 卖领带的柜台在这走道的最末端。 The necktie counter is at the end of this corridor.
- 但是我妈妈死的时候,她没来得及告诉我爸放优惠券的抽屉在哪里。 But when my mom died, she hadn't told Dad where the coupon drawer was.
- 毛衣柜台在哪? I'm looking for the cashmere sweater counter.
- 我已好久没看到你来这家酒店了。最近你经常在哪里出没! I haven't seen you in this pub for ages. Where do you hang out these days?
- 楼梯在哪里呢? Where are the stairs?
- 日本航空公司的柜台在哪儿? Where is the Japan Airlines counter?
- 嗨,John,我是MaryLee,你在哪里? Hi, John. This is Mary Lee speaking. Where are you?
- 肉柜台在这里的右边。 The meat counter is right here.
- 请问,洗手间在哪里? Could you direct me to the lavatory, please?
- 包裹柜台在左边第三个。 The parcel counter is the third on the left.
- 请问女厕所在哪里? Excuse me, where is the powder room?