- 极化SAR定标 PolSAR calibration
- SAR定标 SAR calibration
- 定 to set
- 全极化SAR图像 fully polarimetric SAR image
- 标 prize
- 双波段全极化SAR图像非监督分类方法及实验研究 Unsupervised Classification Methods and Experimental Research of Dual-frequency Fully Polarimetric SAR Images
- 基于目标分解理论的全极化SAR图像神经网络分类方法 Neural Networks Classification of Quad-polarization SAR Data Based on Target Decomposition ABSTRACT
- 全极化SAR full-polarization SAR
- 高分辨极化SAR high-resolution polarimetric SAR
- 百定标电路 ampliscaler
- 极化SAR图像的聚类序列投影寻踪模型方法 Sequential projection pursuit clustering model for POL-SAR data unsupervised classification
- 天体射电的定标 calibration of celestial radio radiation
- 基于Cameron分解和SVM的极化SAR图像分类 Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on Cameron Decomposition and SVM
- Cameron分解法在极化SAR图像分析中的应用 Application of Cameron decomposition in the analysis of PSAR images
- 模拟定标 analogue scaling
- 基于去取向理论的全极化SAR图像模糊非监督聚类 Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image Using Deorientation Theory and Complex Wishart Distribution
- 定标法 scaling method
- 便携式定标器 portable scaler
- 定标场 calibration site
- 再定标 rescaling