- 来杯雪利酒怎么样? What abouta glass of sherry?
- 来杯雪利酒好吗? Would you like a sherry?
- 来一杯雪利酒吧。我这儿总是经常备着一瓶。 Have a glass of sherry. I always keep a bottle here.
- 你已经喝了三大杯雪利酒了。 You've already drunk three schooners of sherry.
- 在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒? Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?
- 用来 be used for
- 来杯咖啡怎么样? Would you care for some coffee?
- 拿来 bring
- 饭前喝杯雪利酒. have a sherry before dinner
- 来料 supplied materials
- 年来 over the last ... years
- 杯垫 tablemat
- 来人 messenger; the one who came
- 我要一杯雪利酒。 I'll have a sherry.
- 来吧 come on
- 如来 Buddha
- 你要喝杯雪利酒吗? Will you partake of a glass of sherry?
- 迟来的 belated
- 自来 from the beginning
- 一杯雪利酒/葡萄酒/水 a glass of sherry/wine/water