- 机器有什么毛病呢? Is there anything amiss with the machine?
- 什么 what
- 一个孩子几天不吃东西一定是有什么毛病了 Something is amiss when a boy will not eat for days.
- 买这台无用的机器有什么意思的呢? What's the purpose of buying this useless machine?
- 呢 (question particle)
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 这台机器有毛病,我们正在检查原因。 There's a fault in the machine,and we're just looking into it.
- 电脑有什么毛病吗? Is there anything amiss with the computer?
- 你们新近生产的机器有什么特点? What's the character of your newly made machine?
- 有什么问题吗? Is anything the matter?
- 有什么关系 what of
- 有什么毛病 what's wrong with it
- 有什么毛病吗? Is there anything wrong?
- 临终前的悔罪固然不错,但对她的受害者又有什么用处呢? A death-bed repentance is all very well but what good will it do for her victims?
- 眼睛有什么毛病吗? Doctor Any trouble with your eyes?
- 有什么办法能使我们进一步减少费用呢。 Is there any way we can prune the costs down still further?
- 你的吸尘器有什么毛病? What's the matter with your vacuum cleaner?
- 他们手头有什么工具和机器,就凑合着用。 They made do with whatever tools and machines were on hand.
- 这有什么毛病吗? Be there anything wrong with it?
- 有什么办法能让他不满的情绪变成愉快呢? Is there any way to sweeten up his grouchy disposition?