- 机器出了什么毛病了吗? Has anything gone wrong with the machine?
- 假如机器出了什么毛病,务必通知我。 If anything happens to the machine, do let me know.
- 如果机器出了什么毛病,他立即就能觉察出来。 If there's anything wrong with the machine, he can nose it out promptly.
- 机器出什么毛病了吗? Is there anything amiss with the machine?
- 机器出了毛病,应立即报告主管工程师。 If there is something wrong with the machine,it should be reported at once to the engineer in charge.
- 我的汽车抛锚了,而我却对究竟出了什么毛病一无所知。 My car has broken down and I haven't a clue what's wrong with it.
- 建筑工人已经用木桩标出了建造这座房子的地域界限,你提出你的要求了吗? The builders have pegged out the land for the hour,Have you pegged out your claim yet?
- 出了什么毛病了? Is something amiss?
- 孙: 我的护照或者入境签证出了什么问题吗? Is there anything wrong with my passport or the entry visa?
- 他觉察到机器出了毛病了。 He sensed that something was wrong with the machine.
- 直到他告诉我我才意识到出了什么事。 I didn't realize what had happened till he told me.
- 这台机器出什么毛病了? What's the matter with the machine?
- 我既不知道也不关心他出了什么事。 I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him.
- 看他那失神的样子,肯定出了什么事。 There must be something wrong since he is in low spirits.
- 但我始终没有见到她,实在想不出她出了什么事。 But I saw nothing of her. I could not imagine what had happened to her.
- 这机器出了什么故障? What's the trouble with the machine?
- 她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情? She looks blue today. What's the matter with her?
- 我知道你是乘公共汽车来的,你的车出了什么毛病? I see you came by bus. What's the matter with your car?
- 我们都不知道新机器出了什么故障。 We all wonder what is the matter with the new machine.
- 我不敢想你要是不在那里会出了什么事。 I hate to think what would have happened if you hadn't been there.