- 本篇文章是采用汤玛斯?兹的电影类型理论来检验黄梅调电影。 This essay employs Thomas Schatz's genre theory to examine the Huangmei Opera film genre.
- 报纸上这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩。 This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 本篇拟具对照图以供参考采用,并提供若干可能引起动作变化的建议。 A contrast diagram was suggested and evidences for possible variation of motility presented and discussed.
- 这篇文章是对我们的诽谤。 The article is a slander on us.
- 报纸上的这篇文章是对我私生活的侵扰,这种做法很不光彩。 This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 本篇文章通过回顾英语发展史和分析英语发展现状,从历时和共时角度对比和分析英国英语和美国英语在词汇方面的差异; 阐明美国英语是英语这一语种的一种变体,并非另一种语言。 This article is intended to illrutrate diachronically and synchronically the lexical differences between British English and American English by tracing the history of English and analyzing the present stage of English development , asserting that American English is merely one of the English varieties rather than a different language.
- 这也是对福克纳文坛地位的充分肯定。 本篇论文将着重讨论福克纳所创作的《八月之光》。 This thesis mainly proceeds with the discussion of the novel Light in August.
- 那篇文章是一流新闻文字的范例。 That article is an example of first class journalism.
- 这篇文章有很多拼写错误。 The article teems with spelling mistakes.
- 编辑们不接受这篇文章是有道理的。 The editors were justified to refuse this article.
- 这篇文章被重印并用作宣传。 The article was reprinted and used as propaganda.
- 那篇文章值得细读。 That article deserves careful perusal.
- 听他说的人家都会以为那篇文章是他写的哩! Just hark at him--anyone would think he wrote that article!
- 选印本从大型出版物中选出的某篇文章的重印本或摘抄本 A reproduction of or an excerpt from an article that was originally contained in a larger publication.
- 你这篇文章是从我书里抄的。 You look your article out of my book.
- 他毫不费力地为一本杂志写了好几篇文章。 He flung off a few articles for the magazine.
- 这篇文章似乎是旨在反对当前的政策。 The article seems to be weighted against the present policy.
- 一本书或一篇文章的大致总结 a brief summary,as of a book or an article
- 报纸上的这篇文章是对。 This newspaper article is a disgraceful intrusion into my private life.
- 发表这篇文章是适时的。 It's high time that the article were published.