- 未登记使用网上服务? To register for the Online Services
- 登记使用网上服务程序 Register for American Express Online Services
- 此表格供成员索取宏利客户号码以便使用网上服务 For members to acquire the Manulife Customer Number for access to our online service
- 对未登记财产的所有权详情怕作的摘要。 Summary of the details of the ownership of a property which have not is registered.
- 此表格供雇员索取宏利客户号码以便使用网上服务。 For your employees to acquire the Manulife Customer Number to access the online service.
- 对未登记财产的所有权详情所作的摘要 summary of the details of the ownership of a property which has not been registered
- 不使用 nonuse
- 咨询服务 counseling
- 还未 yet
- 不能使用 out of commission
- 未完 unfinished
- 登记但未被实际阅读文件提及未登记文件 References in recorded but unread documents to other unrecorded documents
- 目录服务 directory services
- 正常使用 regular service
- 您使用网上分类目录吗? Would you use an online classified service?
- 未登记 unregistered
- 确保使用网上的编程示例。 Make sure you use the online programming examples to follow along.
- 网上服务 online service; Web service
- 未登记的 unrecorded
- 首次使用网上租场人士及一般市民 For first time user and general public