- 不过,服用碧萝芷?的主要原因是保持健康和最佳的身体功能。 However, the main reason to take Pycnogenol? is to stay healthy and keep optimal body functions.
- 服用碧萝芷?能够减少血流内炎症物质的数量并且已表明可以改善气喘病症状和肺功能。 Intake of Pycnogenol? decreases the amount of circulating inflammatory substances in the blood stream and has been shown to improve asthma symptoms and the lung function.
- 另外碧萝芷?能抑制慢性支气管炎病症里损坏肺组织的酶。 It inhibits additionally those enzymes responsible for the destruction of lung tissue in chronic bronchitis.
- 碧萝芷的基本功效 The basic actions of Pycnogenol
- 关于糖尿病和碧萝芷?? What about diabetes and Pycnogenol??
- 碧 jade
- 碧萝芷促进生长荷尔蒙产量 Pycnogenol stimulates output of human growth hormone
- 她决心不再服用海洛因了。 She decided to kick heroin.
- 这种药必须空腹服用。 This medicine must be taken on an empty stomach.
- 碧萝芷?有任何副作用么? Are there any side effects?
- 这种药若服用过量是有害的。 This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
- 她服用过量的安眠药。 She took an overdose of sleeping pills.
- 碧绿色 aquamarine
- 他们异口同声地申明他们没有服用毒品。 They protested with one accord that they had not used any drug.
- 此药大量服用是有害的。 This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.
- 白芷根的糖渍 angelica
- 波萝麻 pineapple fibre
- 吃药时请按照包装上的说明去服用。 Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.
- 碧潭 green lake
- 白芷属的植物 angelica