- 服务员:那么这只呢?这只箱子有个标签。 Attendant: what about this one? This one's got a label.
- 这 this
- 这是你的一只袜子,还有一只呢? This is one of your socks. Where is the other one?
- 呢 (question particle)
- 为什么袜子只丢了一只呢? Why does only one sock get lost at a time?
- 如果行动胜过言语,那么这只安静小鹿可是会滔滔不绝。他的恼人行径会令你哑口无言。 If actions speak louder than words then this silent deer never stops talking. His annoying actions will leave you speechless.
- 这些小猫看上去一模一样,你怎么能分辨出哪只是哪只呢? The kittens looked exactly alike-how could you tell which was which?
- 如果行动胜过言语,那么这只安静小鹿可是会滔滔不绝。他的恼人行径会令你哑口无言。 Mime If actions speak louder than words then this silent deer never stops talking. His annoying actions will leave you speechless.
- 这只竹篮是我自己编的。 This bamboo basket is my own work.
- 那么这两种表述是不是一回事呢?请用刚才学习的句子回答! Teachers usually tell us that there is no shortcut in learning English well! But Andy thinks that to learn English needs one's firm determination and perseverance!
- 这只是时间问题。 It's only a matter of time.
- 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。 The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy.
- 那么这次又有什么可能导致失败呢? What could make it fizzle out this time?
- 这只花瓶的做工精美无比。 The vase is of matchless workmanship.
- 那么这则故事的主旨是什么呢? So what is the morale of the story?
- 这只母鸡下蛋多。 This hen is a good layer.
- 那么这位可爱的姑娘大概会嫁给怎样一个人呢? What sort of man is this sweet girl likely to marry?
- 将这只戒指拿去作为友谊的信物吧。 Take this ring as a pledge of friendship.
- 这只猫蹲着不动。 The cat sat motionless.
- 那么这种理论如何转化为实用的管理方式呢? So how does this theory translate into practical management?