- 有这本书吗? Is this book available?
- 这家书店有这本书吗? Is the book available in this bookstore?
- 有这本书来帮忙,你能尽快完成工作。 With this book to help you, you can finish your work as soon as possible.
- 我可以跟你合看这本书吗? May I look on with you?
- 她询问图书馆管理员,他们有没有这本书。 She inquired of the librarian whether they had got the book.
- 图书馆有这本书。 You get the book in the library.
- 我可以借这本书吗? May I have the loan of this book?
- “因为我有这本书,”埃莉答道。 Because I've got this book,@ said Ellie.
- 这本书我可以借一两天吗? May I borrow the book for a day or two?
- 你可以帮我复印这本书吗? Could you please help me xerox this book?
- 我觉得如果有人知道有这本书而没有去读,那真是个傻瓜。 Ibelieve anyone referred to this book that doesn't read it is a fool.
- 我必须跟同学共用这本书吗? Do I have to share the book with a classmate?
- 这本书对你的研究工作将很有价值。 This book will be of great value for your study.
- 您希望用礼品纸包这本书吗 Do you want this book gift - wrapped ?
- 熟练的工作;这本书写得很熟练,有年代表、参考书目和索引。 a competent job; the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index.
- 在你们的合同中已订定有可能要翻译这本书。 The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract.
- 要完成这本书我需要再有四个月的艰苦工作。 To complete this book I need another four months of hard work.
- 这本书里有新的内容吗? Is there anything new in this book?
- 没有一个有鉴赏力的人会买这本书。 No one with sensibility would buy the book.
- 我只是匆匆浏览了一下这本书,打算有充裕的时间再好好读它。 I have just skimmed through the book so far; I intend to read it thoroughly when I get more time.