- 有谁需要我帮忙吗? Can I be of service to anyone?
- [口]你需要什么?有什么事要我帮忙吗? What can l do for you?
- 有谁需要再来一份吗? Seconds, anybody?
- 这是客房服务部,需要我帮忙吗? Room service. May I help you?
- 有谁需要看医生的吗? Does anybody need to see the doctor?
- 我现在开始会议。有谁需要发言? I would like to begin the board meeting. Let's start with announcements.
- 看来你的汽车有点让你伤脑筋了--要我帮忙吗? You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car can I help?
- 我不过是个干杂活的,可不就是,谁需要我就去干,咳,正如人们说的,丰富多彩,生活才有乐趣。 I'm just an odd-job man,really,for anybody who needs one. Oh well,variety is the spice of life.
- 你愿意运用你的权力给我帮忙吗? Will you exercise your influence on my behalf?
- 他现在死了,像舱底的脏水一样发臭,我不知道还有谁来驾船。 Well, he's dead now, he is - as dead as bilge; and who's to sail this ship, I don't see.
- 你要我帮忙吗? Do you want me to help?
- 我从未见过有谁的境遇比他更凄惨。 I never saw a man in so wretched a condition.
- 谁需要旧约? Who Needs the Old Testament?
- 你好,先生。要我帮忙吗? Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
- 谁需要相片 Brad Paisley - Who Needs Pictures
- 我想不出还有谁更适合当你的妻子。 I can't think of a nicer wife for you.
- 我想我能出席,有什么特别的议程吗?需不需要我准备材料? I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any material?
- 谁需要学生签证? Who requires a student visa?
- 如果你需要我,就来找我帮忙。 If you ever want me,come to me for my assistance.
- 落日问道:“有谁继续我的职务呢?” "Who is there to take up my duties?" Asked the setting sun.