- 有没有大尺码的? Have you anything the size bigger?
- 有没有大包装的洋葱味“脆脆”薯片? Do you have any large size onion flavored "Munchy" potato chips?
- 这件太大--你们有没有同样的上衣,尺码是十号的? this is too large -- do you have this same blouse in a size 10?
- 他的意见与你自己的意见有没有一致之处? Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own?
- 中国风性感睡衣4件一套:睡袍+内裤+缎质颈带+腰带。雪纺纱布料,锻质腰带上有盘缠中国结,颈带上也有盘缠并有流苏,长袍两边与有流苏,显出婉约中国风,有大尺码。 Chiffon Robe with Tassel trimmed front hem and attached Satin Ribbon belt with Chinoiserie applique closure. Includes Tassel trimmed Satin Ribbon neckband and matching thong.
- 你的异性恋倾向有没有可能是因为极度惧怕同性而造成的? It is possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of people of the same sex?
- 老板有没有做其它的事来表示你的谢意? Did the boss do anything else to show his thanks?
- 你有没有大一号的/小一号的? Do you have this in the next size up/down?
- 假如我不能来,你们有没有候补人员? Do you have any back-ups in case I cannot be there?
- 你有没有介绍您的公司产品的目录或别的什么? Do you have a catalogue or something that tells abut your company?
- 这个男孩没有个性,将来不会有大的作为。 The boy has no character.He will never come to much.
- 犹太教改革派:兄弟,有没有泄痢停不? REFORM JUDAISM: Got any Kaopectate?
- 这件衣服不合适,你有没有大一点的? This dress won't do. Do you have a larger size?
- 你们有没有介绍本市历史的观光指南? Do you have a guide book which describes the history of this town?
- 你有没有超速驾驶或醉酒驾驶的记录? Do you have a record of speeding or drunk and drive?
- 我问女营业员他们有没有大一号的。 I asked the salesgirl if they had a larger size.
- 它有没有由于某些原因而被取消过呢? Has it ever been canceled due to some reasons?
- 我问你有没有种当面跟他说这些话。 I dare you to say these same things to his face.
- 这个周末有没有什么特别的计划?或许我们可以去爬山。你意下如何? Do you have any special plans for the weekend? Maybe we can go hiking. How does that sound?
- 杰克有没有谢谢我的劝告?一点也没有。 Did Jack thank me for my advice? Not on your life.