- 有序多孔SiC(Fe)陶瓷 Ordered-porous SiC ( Fe ) ceramic
- 多孔SiC陶瓷 porous SiC ceramics
- 多孔SiC陶瓷管 porous SiC ceramics
- 烧成温度对多孔SiC陶瓷管性能的影响 Influence of Sintering Temperature on Properties of Porous SiC Ceramic Tube
- 有序多孔材料 ordered porous materials
- 有序多孔模板 ordered macroprous membrane
- 有序多孔薄膜 ordered porous thin film
- 有序多孔ZnO薄膜 ordered porous ZnO film
- TiC/Fe金属陶瓷 TiC/Fe cermets
- 有序地 in an orderly manner
- 多孔 multiaperture
- C/C-SiC-Fe材料 C/C-SiC-Fe material
- 三维有序多孔膜 three-dimensional ordered porous film
- Fe-Al/SiC复合涂层 Fe-Al/SiC composite coating
- TiC/Fe金属陶瓷涂层 TiC/Fe cermet coatings
- 多孔的 lacunaris
- SiC陶瓷 SiC ceramic
- 有序多孔氧化锌薄膜 ordered porous zinc oxide thin film
- SiC泡沫陶瓷 sic foam ceramics
- 纳米氧化铝有序多孔膜制备工艺研究 Study of the Preparation Technology for Orderly and Porous Nanometer Alumina Film