- 有多少客人会到? How many guests will be there?
- 有多少客人来参加我们的团聚联欢会? How many guests are we expecting to the reunion?
- 您一共有多少客人? How many guests there is in your party?
- 有多少客人来参加聚会呢? How many people will be coming to the party?
- 要是你知道我们有多少大将军在这儿经营小得可怜的农场,以劈柴为生,你会到感到惊讶的。 You'd be surprised to know how many great generals we have running two by four farms and chopping wood for a living here.
- 客人会睡在床垫上。 The guests were to sleep on a tick.
- 这家汽车旅馆可供多少客人住宿? How many guests can the motel sleep?
- 她说他们随时会到。 She said they would arrive momentarily.
- 他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了食物。 He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited.
- "他终当然会拿到更高的薪水。" "那要看他什么时候有这个资格。" "Of course he will get a higher salary eventually." "If or when he qualifies."
- 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光? How many hours of daylight do we have in a day?
- 我不知乔治何时会到。 I wonder what time George will fetch up.
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 估计本星期五就会到货。 We expect to have a supply this Friday.
- 人体有多少穴位? How many acupuncture points are there in the human body?
- 约翰在幕后做了大量的工作,人们并不了解俱乐部的成就有多少归于他。 John does a lot of work behind the scenes. People do not realize how much of the club's success is due to him.
- 多久会到? How long will we get there?
- 保罗做他们的领袖有多少年只有天知道。 Paul was the leader for the Lord knows how many years.
- 我初到长沙时,会到各方面的人,听到许多的街谈巷议。 Soon after my arrival in Changsha,I met all sorts of people and picked up a good deal of gossip.
- 有多少受训的飞行员没有通过上次考核而被淘汰? How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination?