- 如果我们今天下午早点走,有反对的吗? Is there any objection if we leave early this afternoon?
- 赞成的以通常的方式表示赞成,有反对的吗?没有,通过了。 Those in favour signify the same in the usual way.Contrary--no,carried.
- 有反对的吗? Anyone against that ?
- 如果我们今天下午早点走,有反对的吗? Is there any objection if we leave early this afternoon?
- 我对你的话没有反对意见。 I have no quarrel with what you say.
- 反对的行为;公众的(通常是有组织的)反对示威运动。 the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent.
- 真的吗? No kidding?
- 依然会有反对意见的。 There will still be objections.
- 在她那面有反对意见吗? Is there any objection on her part?
- 他们提出了10多条反对的理由,但是威廉把他们全都驳倒了。他处于绝境时最能争斗。 They made more that ten objections but William overcame them all; he always fights best when his back's to the wall.
- 有反对和抵触的性格倾向。 marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict.
- 我想我能出席,有什么特别的议程吗?需不需要我准备材料? I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any material?
- 我们必须公平考虑赞成和反对的理由。 We must be fair and consider the reason pro and con.
- 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上,我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗? Do you re member how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?
- 反对的? Those against?
- 有反对恐怖主义的战争, And a war against terrorism
- 这些野生水果有哪一种是安全可吃的吗? Is any of these wild fruits safe to eat?
- 然而整年教育也有反对者。 But year-round schooling has opponents.
- 会引起反对的电影 an objectionable movie
- 希望您不介意我询问,不过我们不是以前在什么地方见过的吗? I hope you do not mind my asking, but have not we meet somewhere before?