- 有到巴黎的火车吗? Are there any trains to Paris?
- 有到重庆的火车吗? A Is there a train to Chongqing?
- 外宾: 有到那里的火车吗? Are there trains for there?
- 我要一张到巴黎的特快列车头等卧铺票。 Can I have a first class berth on special express to Paris?
- 到巴黎的头等来回票 a first class return to Paris
- 我必须预订1: 20开往迈阿密的火车吗? Do I need to reserve a seat for the 1:20 train to Miami ?
- 前后有到膝盖的下摆的男式上衣,19世纪穿着。 A man's coat having knee-length skirts front and back,worn in the 19th century.
- 到巴黎的机票价格是多少? What 's the fare to Paris ?
- 饭店灯光暗淡,有清晰丽光板的桌子和铺有坐垫的火车座(芝加哥论坛报) The restaurant was dimly lit, with plain Formica tables and cushioned booths(Chicago Tribune)
- 我们也有到辛辛那提市的红十字避难中心拜访。 We also visited a Red Cross shelter in Cincinnati.
- 我可以在今晚8点30分开往南京的火车上预定一个座位吗? May I reserve a seat on the Nanjing train leaving at8:30 this evening?
- 请给我两张到巴黎的卧铺票。 Please buy me two tickets on the sleeping car to Paris.
- 我必须预订1:20开往迈阿密的火车吗? Do I need to reserve a seat for the 1:20 train to Miami ?
- 你们假期的每一天都组织有到附近某个景点去的自愿远足活动。 An optional excursion has been organized for every day of your holiday to a nearby place of interest.
- 迪克忆起小时候曾经到巴黎学音乐。 Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.
- 我们能及时赶到火车站,乘上8点的火车吗? Can we get to the railway station in time to catch the 8: 00 train?
- 他常到巴黎及别的地方去。 He journeyed frequently to Paris and other places.
- 餐厅中的火车座饭店里有桌子和位子的座位区,位子的高靠背作为隔离物。 A seating area in a restaurant that has a table and seats whose high backs serve as partitions.
- 有到大峡谷的旅游团吗? Are there any tours for the Grand Canyon?
- 搭往巴黎的火车然后在巴赛尔换车。 Take a train for Pairs and change trains in Basel.