- 有什么问题没解决吗? He is one of those involved. Is there anything unsolved?
- 如果这个问题没弄清楚,人跟一般动物有什么两样? Questions such as what makes an ideal person and what makes an ideal life have to be addressed. Otherwise,mankind will have little difference from animals.
- 对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗? Do you foresee any problems with the new system?
- 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。 If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 关于仲裁有什么问题吗? Any question about arbitration?
- 有什么问题或困惑我们一起帮你解决。 We are ready to help you with your questions or confusion.
- 这有什么问题吗? Does it matter?
- 政治讯息在社会上不平等分布会带来什么问题?是否有解决办法? What are the problems created by the unequal dispersion of political information throughout society? Are there solutions?
- 左边的那个。有什么问题吗? The brake is on the left. Is anything the matter?
- 在航游中有点风浪,但一旦我习惯于坐船旅行我就没什么问题了。 It was a bit choppy on the cruise but I was all right once I found my sea legs.
- 你们究竟有什么问题? What problems are you having, exactly?
- 错误消息有什么问题 What’s wrong with error messages
- 这个问题最好怎样解决,大家有没有什么建议? Are there any suggestions about how best to tackle the problem?
- 有什么问题请尽管提出。 If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to raise them up.
- 你有什么问题要问? Have you any questions to ask ?
- 你这辆敞篷车有什么问题? What's wrong with your convertible?
- 有什么问题尽管问。 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them.
- 你们有什么好办法解决象铁炉堡这些高人口密度地区的断线问题吗? What are you guys doing to prevent disconnects in high-population areas like Ironforge?
- 那绝对不会有什么问题的。 That will be no problem at all.