- 有什么问题吗? Is anything the matter?
- 对于这种新体制,你看会有什么问题吗? Do you foresee any problems with the new system?
- 关于仲裁有什么问题吗? Any question about arbitration?
- 可以,先生。不过这牛排有什么问题吗? Certainly, sir. But anything wrong with the steak?
- 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。 If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now.
- 这有什么问题吗? Does it matter?
- 你在台北停留期间如果有什么问题,我将乐意帮忙。 I shall be happy to help you if you have any problem during your stay in Taipei.
- 海关方面遇到什么问题吗?--毫无问题。 Did you have any trouble with Customs? ? None to speak of.
- 只要用户能够获得账目还需要整理的通知,就不应该有什么问题。 As long as users remain well informed throughout, there shouldn’t be a problem.
- 关于仲裁有什么问题吗? Any question about arbitration?
- 如果还有什么问题,就发邮件给我。 Send me an email if you have further questions.
- 有什么问题没解决吗? He is one of those involved. Is there anything unsolved?
- 因为群众还没有发动起来,你晓得有什么问题呢? How can you tell what the problems are before the masses are mobilized?
- 你有什么问题要问吗? Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?
- 他们没想到这栋新楼会有什么问题。 They didn't envision any problems with the new building.
- 现在你还有什么问题要了解吗? Now,is there anything else you'd like to know?
- 如果您们有什么问题,请别客气尽管问。 If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to ask.
- 你们有什么好办法解决象铁炉堡这些高人口密度地区的断线问题吗? What are you guys doing to prevent disconnects in high-population areas like Ironforge?
- 你有什么问题要问我吗? Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?Yes. Do you have a training program for new employees?
- 你一定有什么问题你应该是故意的。 There's something seriously wrong with you. You should be studied.