- 最迟几点钟退房? What is the latest check-out time?
- 退房的时间是几点钟? What is check out time?
- 博物馆最迟几点开放呢? How late is the museum open?
- 最晚的预约时间是几点钟? What is the latest time I can have an appointment?
- 最迟到10月 October at the latest
- 我可以退房了。 I am ready to check out.
- 你打算明天几点钟启程? What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?
- 寡妇往往笑得最响,因为她笑得最迟。 The widow always laughs the loudest because she laughs last.
- 有没有快速退房手续的服务? Be there an express checkout service?
- 几点钟 what time
- 请最迟在本月底提供如下资料。 Please supply us with the following information by the end of this month, at the latest.
- 我可以改在下午4点退房吗? Would it be possible for me to check out at 4:00 p.m. instead?
- 你晚上几点钟睡觉? What time do you go to bed at night?
- 请先在接待处办理退房,然后就可以离开了。 Please check out at the reception and leave the hall.
- 发票一式两份,最迟须在装船的次日寄出,每张发票都应附上提单或运单。 INVOICES must be rendered in duplicate not later than the day following shipment. Attach bill of lading or express receipt to each invoice.
- 每天你几点起床? When do you get up everyday?
- 是的,我今天要退房,可是我要等到晚上七点才走。 Yes.I'll be checking out today,but I really don't have to leave until nearly seven tonight.
- 他两点钟睡着了。 He went to sleep at two o'clock.
- 电影两点钟开始。 The film begins at two o'clock.
- 现在准确的时间是几点? What's the right time?