- 最近忙些什么呢? What are you up to lately?
- 最近忙些什麽? What have you been up to lately?
- 嗨!你最近忙什么呢? Hi, what keeps you so busy lately?
- 那你最近忙什么呢?-反正不是代数。 What. What are you into these days? - Not algebra.
- 她在瞎忙些什么? What is she fussing about?
- 最近 recently
- 呢 (question particle)
- 他现在不知在忙些什么。 He is now busying himself with no one knows what.
- 最近的 latest
- 你近来在忙些什么? What are you up to these days?
- 你在忙些什么? WED. What are you up to?
- "孩子们在假期做些什么有益活动?" "What do the children do with themselves during the holidays?"
- 你在忙什么呢? What are you up to?
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 你们吃些什么呢? And the meal ?
- 你在那儿忙什么呢? What are you hustling about there ?
- 今天在忙些什么? What have you been busy about today?
- 我在想什么呢!我刚买了些新的!你的电池用得快吗? What am I thinking! I've just bought some new ones. Do you find your batteries always run out really quickly?
- 你一直在忙些什么? What have you been busy about?
- 是的,我想了解一下最近两周有些什么演出。 Yes. I'd like to know what's playing for the next two weeks.