- 最近你的工作进展怎样? How are you getting on with your work recently?
- 请随时告诉我们新的发展情况/你的工作进展情况。 Please keep us informed of fresh developments/how you are getting with the work.
- 最近你的工作质量在下降。 The standard of your work has been falling away recently.
- 最近 recently
- 事情进展怎样;你一切都好吗 How are things going with you
- 要明白,一旦你开始在真实的环境中开始训练,你就必须集中你的工作记忆。 Understanding that once you start training on live traffic one must concentrate on sharpening their working memory.
- 你的工作进展情况如何? How goes it in your work?
- 你怎样做你的工作? 我很快乐地做了我的工作。 How did you do your work? I did my work happily.
- 你的工作质量有所下降。 There has been a slip in the quality of your work.
- 你的工作进展得怎样? How is your work coming along?
- 你的训练使得你能够胜任将来的工作。 Your training will equip you for your future job.
- 你的工作进展如何? How's your work coming along?
- 你对改变你的工作时间有什么异议吗? Have you any objection to changing your working hours?
- 老杨你的工作是怎样找到的? Old yang your work is how find?
- 努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。 Try to keep your work on a high plane.
- 你的工作履历是怎样的? What is your work history?
- 你的工作似乎没什么进展。 Your work seems to be fail to be leading nowhere.
- 我和大伙正分担你的工作,如果有什么问题,我们会来找你的。 The others and I are splitting up your work. If we have any questions,we know where to find you!
- 你的工作是无用的。 Your work is hopeless.
- 什么因素使你决定放弃你的工作? What decided you to give up your job?