- 最低你能出什么价? What's the lowest you're willing to go?
- 最低你能出什么价钱? What the lowest you are willing to go?
- 最低你能出多少价 What's the lowest you're willing to go?
- 能 energy
- 你想出什么价? How much would you like it to be?
- 不能 cannot
- 您想出什么价? How much would you like it to is?
- 那么您想要出什么价。 How much would you like it to is,then.
- 这是你能接受的最低价格吗? Is this the lowest price you can take?
- 你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗? Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
- 你能猜到今天下午我在做什么吗? Can you guess what I was doing this afternoon?
- 可话又说回来,要是你真的想买我这匹漂亮的小马,你到底打算出什么价?” All the same, how much might you be disposed to offer me for this beautiful young horse of mine?
- 你能回想起7月4日发生什么事了吗? Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July.
- 你能把那条白母牛从牛群中弄出来吗? Can you cut out the white cow from the herd?
- 从这些事实你能推断出什么? What do you deduce from these facts?
- 你抱怨倒没有什么不好,可你能做更好吗? It's all very well for you to complain but can you do any better?
- 你能设法从你父母那儿再要出一些吗? Can't you manage to screw a bit extra out of your parents?
- 你能摸出这是什么东西吗? Can you tell what this is by feeling it?
- 你能给我什么证明身份的文件吗? Can you give me some forms of identification?
- 你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗? Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage?