- 曾经 once
- 我曾经在银行工作。 I worked at a bank once.
- 人世沧桑就是如此。 So the world wags.
- 他曾经是个军人。 He was once an army man.
- 曾经有过的 sometime
- 人生沧桑 the kaleidoscope of life
- 以前曾经 used
- 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。 Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.
- 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。 She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.
- 经历沧桑 Go through storm and stress
- 他曾经流亡多年。 He spent many years in exile.
- 曾经到过 have been to
- 留在锁上的刮痕显示那锁曾经被撬开过。 The telltale scratches on the lock showed that it had been picked.
- 我曾经愚蠢地问他为什么老是微笑。 I once stupidly asked him why he smiled so often.
- 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。 The manager was found to have appropriated store money.
- 你曾经去过日本吗? Did you go Japan once?
- 我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。 Our ancestors trod this same path.
- 小贝壳曾经被用作简单的钱币。 Small seashells were once used as a primitive kind of money.
- 迪克忆起小时候曾经到巴黎学音乐。 Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.
- 奴隶制度曾经相当普遍。 The institution of slavery was once widespread.