- 晚餐好了吗? Is dinner ready?
- 子爵,当您想听音乐的时候,来和我一起用晚餐好了。” So, my dear viscount, whenever you wish to be regaled with music come and sup with me."
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 晚餐好了,请诸位快吃吧! Dinner is ready,dive in,everybody!
- 晚餐好了,请诸位快吃吧! Dinner is ready , dive in , everybody !
- 你头痛好了吗? Has your headache gone yet?
- 星期天来和我们共进晚餐好吗? Will you come and join us for dinner on Sunday?
- 你的行李捆扎好了吗? Have you swaddled your luggage?
- 下星期六来我家吃晚餐好吗? Would you please come to my home to have dinner next Saturday?
- 你把水壶放好了吗? Did you put the kettle on?
- 邱吉尔先生,你留下用晚餐好吗? Will you stay for dinner, Mr. Churchill?
- 星期天来和我们共进晚餐好吗? Will you come and join us for dinner on Sunday?
- 行李申请单填好了吗? Have you filled in the baggage declaration?
- 你出差前,我们一起吃顿晚餐好吗? Before you leave for your business trip could we have a dinner together?
- 交通方面安排好了吗? Have you arranged for transportation?
- 你能下星期天赏光么,我们共进晚餐好吗? Will you do us the honor,(honour) of dining with us next Sunday?
- 是晚饭时间了,史密斯先生,我们共进晚餐好吗? It's time for supper,Mr. Smith. Shall we have dinner together this evening?
- 你把东西收拾好了吗? Have you packed your things up?
- 我们比一比哪一组的同学最会认读单词。你们准备好了吗? If you know how to read it, please put up your hand. We'll see which group is the winner? Are you ready?
- 邱吉尔先生,你留下用晚餐好吗? Will you stay for dinner, Mr. Churchill?