- 晚些时候你行吗? Would sometime later be all right with you?
- 我现在正忙着,晚些时候我打电话给你行吗? I am busy at present; can I phone you later?
- 晚些时候你方便吗? Will sometime later be all right with you?
- 下午晚些时候你将回到华欣或差安的旅馆。 In the late afternoon you will be back in the hotel in Hua Hin or Cha Am.
- 医生很忙,不过他说下午晚些时候可以抽出时间来替我看病。 The doctor was very busy, but said he was able to work me in late in the afternoon.
- 凯勒先生,我这个星期什么时候到办公室去拜访你行吗? Mr. Keller,may I call at your office sometime this week?
- 晚些时候,我开车回惠蒂尔,沿途看到了更多的地震造成的破坏。 Later as I drove myself home to Whittier I began to see more damage along the streets.
- 我要来得晚些,行吗? I'll be a little late, is that OK?
- 晚些时候我再把有关这一切告诉你。 I'll tell you all about it later on.
- 我要来得晚些,行吗? I'll be a little late, is that OK?
- 今天晚些时候雨会停。 The rain will stop later on.
- 我们将在下午晚些时候回来。 We will be heading back late in the afternoon.
- 那延后到本周晚些时候? Shall we postpone it until later in the week?
- 今天晚些时候纽卡将发表一个声明。 Newcastle are expected to make a statement later today.
- 审讯将于再晚些时候进行。 An inquest will be held at a later date.
- 那年晚些时候他的父亲去世了。 His father died later that year.
- 今天晚些时候我有一堂钢琴课。 I've got a piano lesson later today.
- 我已决定晚些时候才度假。 I've decided for having my holidays later.
- 简要我今晚晚些时候上她家去。 Jane wants me to go over to her place later tonight.
- 下午的晚些时候我们将返回华欣和差安。 In the late afternoon we will return to Hua Hin and Cha Am.