- 艾略特:没错,他回来了。但是他不是小妖怪,他是外星人。 ELLIOTT: Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.
- 吗 morphine
- 泰勒:嘿,艾略特,你的小妖怪在哪呀? TALER: Hey, Elliott, where's your goblin?
- (英国民间传说中顽皮而善良的)小妖怪, 小精灵 Robin Goodfellow
- 汤姆,你看上去很好。还在捞钱,是吗? You look well, Tom. Still gathering in the shekels, eh?
- 顾客:你是说我今天不能兑换瑞士法郎,得改天再来是吗? Customer: You mean I can not change Swiss Francs today, and come again another day, don,t you?
- 是吗,小妖怪?” it's you, you scamp?"
- 因为这些乐器是靠一个簧片振动来发音,所以叫簧片乐器,是吗? "actually they are called... because their tone is produced by the vibration of a reed, Is that so? "
- 我们在少年时代便会滋生一种奇怪的观念:一种肉眼看不见的叫做细菌的小妖怪在不断向我们进攻,我们必须常备不懈地保护自己不受其伤害。 Early in life, too, we become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury.
- 你不觉得奇怪么?为什么你这么踊跃就把你自己的邮箱地址告诉我了?是吗? Do you ever wonder why you gave me your e-mail address in the first place?
- 小弟弟,迷路了是吗? Got lost,boy?
- 打扰一下。兄弟电影院是在邮局旁边,是吗? Excuse me. The Brother Cinema is near the post office, isn't it?
- 他真是个小绅士,不是吗? He's quite the little gentleman, isn't he?
- 梅勒妮:可不是吗。我今儿难受死了。 Melanie: Was I what. I feel like shit warmed up today.
- 学院的世界一定很小,不是吗? It must be a very small world, the academy, or not?
- 刚刚结婚一定是非常美妙的,不是吗? It must be wonderful being just married,mustn't it?
- 现在我想起来了。世界真小,是吗? I remember now. It's a small world,isn't it?
- 这趟旅行对你来说还算不错,不是吗? It's been a good trip for you,hasn't it?
- 那才是英式早餐的正宗食品。不是吗? That's the proper thing for a real English breakfast,isn't it?
- 拉腊:小猫一般都很顽皮,你说是吗? Lara: Kittens are always playful, aren't they?