- 昨晚你去跳舞了吗? Did you go dancing last night?
- 你是上个礼拜到的吗?你是从美国出发的吗?你去参观长城了吗?你看个昨晚上的那场球赛了吗? Did you arrive last week? Did you fly from the States? Did you visit the Great Wall? Did you see the football on TV last night?
- 我今晚恐怕不能跟你们去跳舞了。我得回家喂我的宠物龟。 A: I'm afraid I can't go dancing with you guys tonight. I've got to go home and feed my pet turtle.
- 我听说昨晚你去了酒店。 It's reached my ears that you were seen going into the pub last night.
- 昨晚你看电视了吗?--没有,我宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。--我愿意看。 Did you watch TV last night? --No, I prefer to read novels rather than watch it. --I prefer to that.
- (其他同学去跳舞了,只剩下王平、安妮、杰夫,边喝茶,边聊天。) (The other students all went to the dance. Only Wang Ping,An-nie and Jeff drink tea while chatting. )
- 他们昨晚去跳舞了。 They went booging last night.
- 你去那儿了吗? Have you headed there?
- 昨晚你看电视了吗?玛丽:没有,我做完作业就睡觉了。 Eddy: Did you watch TV last night? Mary: No, I went to bed after finishing my homework.
- 没有精力去跳舞了 had no ambition to go dancing.
- 昨晚你看了那部电影吗?那才叫人发笑呢!长这么大,我从来没那么笑过。 Did you see the film last night? Talk about laugh! I've never laughed so much in my life.
- 要是不再下雨,我们就去跳舞了。 If it were not raining, we would go dancing.
- 昨天你去溜冰了吗? Did you go skating yesterday?
- “昨晚你的确说了,”希德说,“你说: ‘是血,是血,就是血 "And you do talk such stuff," Sid said. "Last night you said, 'It's blood, it's blood, that's what it is!'
- 你去参观那座佛寺了吗? Did you go to visit the Buddhist temple?
- 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。 Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office.
- 哦,没有,没有。布兰的床上功夫一流。-昨晚你说的不是贝利吗? Oh, not at aII. Brian was unbeIievabIe.- I thought it was Barry.
- 我在家对着镜子练习,这样当我到外面去的时候就能真的跳舞了。 I practice at home in front of the mirror so that when I go out I can really cut the rug.
- 说起旅行,你去过雅典了吗? Talking of travel, have you been to athens yet?
- 昨晚你看了那部电影吗?那才叫人发笑呢!长这么大,我从来没那么笑过。 Did you see the film last night? Talk about laugh! I've never laughed so much in my life.